It's really important to us here at ShineOn that we provide the most helpful guides and video content we can, to help you - the seller - navigate all the technical details of using your ShineOn account and engaging in our features.
So, if you've got a thought to share on an article, or would like to ask a question, please do share!
Commenting on a guide.
If you'd like to share your thoughts on a guide, you can leave a comment.
To do so, you'll first need to set up a ShineOn Zendesk account. Once complete, the option to leave a comment will appear at the bottom of our guides:
Clicking inside the text field will open out the editor:
Once complete, you can go ahead and click submit, and your comment will appear:
Marking a guide as helpful.
Marking a guide as helpful is useful for us, as it allows us to compare which guides are helping sellers the most, and which guides might need some work. Do to so, simply click the buttons at the bottom of each guide!
Asking Questions.
If you would like to ask a question, you can make use of our Support Community.
If something isn't working as intended, you should contact support but clicking the Support button below.
If you have a more general selling question to ask, you can also check out our Facebook Group.
To make a post on our Support Community, simply click New Post
Once you have fill out the details of your question, you'll need to assign it to a topic, make sure you choose carefully so we can help you as quickly as possible:
After clicking submit, your post will appear, and others - include us here at ShineOn can comment on the topic and come to help.
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